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    Australian Open 結果共21筆

  • Chan Hao-Ching out of US Open in semifinals

    Discover how Taiwanese tennis star Chan Hao-Ching and her partner Veronika Kudermetova’s journey ended in the US Open women’s doubles semifinals against the Ukrainian-Latvian duo. Learn about their performance and achievements.
    2024/09/05 11:30
  • Hsieh Su-wei, Zielinski advance to US Open round of 16

    Discover how Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her partner Jan Zielinski advanced to the US Open’s round of 16, aiming for their third grand slam title. Read about their victory and other Taiwanese players’ performances.
    2024/08/29 12:07
  • Hsieh Su-wei wins ninth Grand Slam title at Wimbledon

    Discover how Taiwanese tennis star Su-Wei Hsieh secured her ninth Grand Slam doubles title at Wimbledon with partner Jan Zielinski, defeating the Mexican duo 6-4, 6-2. Learn about Hsieh’s career achievements and her gratitude towards her team.
    2024/07/15 12:22
  • Hsieh and Zielinski reach French Open mixed doubles semis

    Discover how Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her Polish partner Jan Zielinski advanced to the French Open mixed doubles semifinals, defeating the top-seeded Australian team.
    2024/06/05 12:01
  • Hsieh Su-wei triumphs at Australian Open

    Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei and Belgium’s Elise Mertens won the Australian Open women’s doubles championship on Jan. 28. This victory is notable as Hsieh is only the third player in the past 24 years to win both the women’s and mixed doubles titles at the Australian Open. At 38 years and 24 days old, Hsieh is the second-oldest women’s doubles champion in Grand Slam history, just eight days younger than U.S. record holder Lisa Raymond. After an 18-month break due to injury, Hsieh made a triumphant return in 2023, winning the Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. Hsieh and Mertens defeated Lyudmyla Kichenok from Ukraine and Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia in the women’s doubles final with a score of 6-1, 7-5. Hsieh has a total of eight Grand Slam trophies, including seven titles in women’s doubles, but is yet to win a title at the U.S. Open.
    2024/01/29 14:38
  • Last-minute pair Hsieh Su-wei and Zielinski clinch victory

    Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her Polish partner Jan Zielinski emerged as the champions of the mixed doubles competition at the Australian Open on January 26. Despite their last-minute decision to team up, Hsieh and Zielinski staged an impressive comeback against American player Desirae Krawczyk and British player Neal Skupski, winning with a score of 6-7, 6-4, and 11-9. This victory holds great significance for both players, as it marks Hsieh’s first mixed doubles victory in a Grand Slam tournament and makes Zielinski the first Pole to secure a Grand Slam mixed doubles trophy. Prior to the match, Zielinski recognized Hsieh as a skilled doubles player, and he expressed his gratitude for her ability to break the curse and lead them to victory. Hsieh, in turn, praised Zielinski’s playing abilities, highlighting his skills in areas such as the baseline, net, and serve.
    2024/01/26 18:24
  • Hsieh Su-wei clinches Grand Slam mixed doubles title

    Taiwanese tennis champion Hsieh Su-wei clinched her first Grand Slam mixed doubles title at the Australian Open, becoming the first Taiwanese player to reach the championship round in both women’s and mixed doubles. Teaming up with Polish player Jan Zieliński, Hsieh fought hard in a three-set match against American second seed Desirae Krawczyk and Brit Neal Skupski, ultimately prevailing with a score of 6:7, 6:4, 11:9. This historic victory grants Hsieh a prize of AUD $165,000. In addition to her mixed doubles success, Hsieh and her Belgian partner Elise Mertens also advanced to the championship round in women’s doubles. With six Grand Slam women’s doubles trophies already under her belt, Hsieh will vie for her seventh career win on Sunday. The women’s doubles champions will receive AUD$730,000, while the runners-up will be awarded AUD$400,000. Hsieh’s remarkable achievements have left an enduring impact on Taiwanese tennis history.
    2024/01/26 12:57
  • 澳網/首盤上演驚人逆轉 高芙成功闖進女單四強

    經歷一場耗時3小時8分鐘的激戰後,美國的第四種子高芙(Coco Gauff)奪得澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)四強賽門票,以7-6(6)、6-7(3)、6-2,上演大逆轉擊敗來自烏克蘭、排名37的柯絲堤雅克(Marta Kostyuk)。這場比賽是年僅19歲的高芙,職業生涯至今最長的大滿貫賽事。
    2024/01/23 14:33
  • 澳網即將開打 外媒提前預測女單熱門奪冠選手

    澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)本週即將開打,外媒預估下列三名女性運動員,是本屆爭冠的熱門關注嬌點。分別是來自哈薩克的里巴基娜、美國佩古拉以及捷克的馮德魯索娃,這三位女子單打球員,將於本週日開始挑戰澳洲網球公開賽。
    2024/01/11 16:12
  • 澳網總獎金創新高 選手有望「加薪」2成

    2023/12/29 09:43
  • 懷孕消失2年 日本前球后大坂直美宣布復出開打時間曝

    前女單世界第一的日本網球女將大坂直美(Naomi Osaka),在女兒誕生、晉升新手媽媽後,日前正式在社群宣告將回歸網壇,《衛報》報導,大坂直美從12月底的澳洲布里斯本國際賽(Brisbane International)開始,逐步找回屬於她的名次和獎盃,期盼能一路取得挑戰澳網(Australian Open)會內賽的資格。聲明中大坂直美非常興奮且期待回歸賽場,希望重新回到那個她更熟悉的地方。
    2023/11/10 12:14
  • 澳網遭遇連日35度高溫襲擊 選手、球僮大喊吃不消

    新一屆澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)已在16日正式登場,今年除了受惠於疫情管制解除,重新回歸比賽的喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic),有機會挑戰澳網冠軍紀錄外,正逢夏季的澳洲,可怕炎熱高溫再次讓選手們面臨挑戰。《澳洲新聞網》(ABC)報導,連續多日出現攝氏35度以上高溫的墨爾本,已經讓多場澳網賽事被迫暫停或延後,也讓場上的選手和球僮大喊吃不消。
    2023/01/17 14:08
  • 澳網兩度獲亞軍 俄國好手梅迪維夫輕取對手晉級2輪

    曾兩度在澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)遺憾抱銀的俄羅斯名將梅迪維夫(Daniil Medvedev)今天火力全開,一盤未失輕取美國對手希隆(Marcos Giron)晉級2輪。
    2023/01/17 09:35
  • 挑戰澳網10冠新紀錄 喬帥悄悄入境澳洲準備

    網球迷應該都還記憶深刻,去年澳網公開賽(Australian Open)開幕前夕,喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)因為拒絕接種新冠疫苗,違反當地防疫管制規定,不僅簽證和參賽資格雙雙被取消,甚至被澳洲政府公開下令驅逐出境。事隔一年後,當新一屆澳網又將登場之際,《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,面對解封鬆綁的澳洲,喬科維奇日前已悄悄飛抵阿德萊德(Adelaide)進行移地訓練,希望能搶下個人第十座澳網冠軍,締造網壇新紀錄。
    2022/12/28 12:52
  • 喬科維奇證實「已獲澳洲簽證」 將爭第10座澳網金盃

    澳洲政府已核發簽證給塞爾維亞男網名將喬科維奇,他將可參加明年的澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open),志在力奪延續紀錄的第10座男單冠軍。
    2022/11/17 09:39
  • 喬科維奇澳網疫苗之亂延燒 其他選手簽證也遭調查

    世界球王喬科維奇為參加澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)入境澳洲、引發疫苗之亂後,澳洲當局今天表示,目前正對其他外國網球選手的簽證展開調查。
    2022/01/07 17:23
  • 球王沒打疫苗被關小房間 喬帥爸怒:上街為世界而戰 

    澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)17日開打,曾經確診過的世界球王約克維奇(Novak Djokovic)宣布他獲得醫療豁免,免打疫苗就能參賽引發輿論譁然。現在澳洲政府硬起來,不讓他入境。喬帥父親斯爾詹約克維奇(Srdjan Djokovic)怒氣衝天,指控兒子被關在「小房間」,威脅如果澳洲不放人,要大家上街抗議。
    2022/01/06 11:32
  • 納達爾澳網大戰敗給西西帕斯 無緣第21座大滿貫冠軍

    西班牙名將納達爾今天在澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)8強與希臘好手西西帕斯上演5盤大戰,終場遭逆轉淘汰無緣晉級,也失去爭奪創紀錄生涯第21座大滿貫男單冠軍機會。
    2021/02/18 09:31
  • 膝傷開刀復原費時 費德勒不確定能否挑戰澳網

    網球名將「瑞士特快車」費德瑞今天說,因今年稍早左膝兩次開刀復原時間較長超乎預期,不確定能否挑戰明年初的澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)。
    2020/12/14 18:12
  • 劍指澳網第8冠 喬科維奇首戰對上德國史特魯夫

    澳洲網球公開賽(Australian Open)20日開打,尋求拿下澳網第8冠的網壇球星喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)首戰將對上德國選手史特魯夫(Jan-Lennard Struff)。
    2020/01/17 09:58
  • 柯貝直落二輕取基斯 挺進澳網女單4強賽

    前世界網球球后柯貝今天在澳洲公開賽(Australian Open)女子單打,以直落二力克曾打進美國公開賽決賽的基斯,勇闖澳網4強賽。
    2018/01/24 12:18
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